nami supports account linking with third-party companies. User can link their nami places to provide information about the place:
- place name
- list of paired devices
- motion information
- device status
Linking your nami place to a third-party account
1. Download and install the nami app
Check the following page for more information
> How to download the nami app
2. Create your nami place and commission devices
Check the following page for more information
3. From the third-party system, open the page for linking your account.
Sign in using the nami app.
Scanning the QR code from your phone will open the nami app. From there, you can allow the sign-in request from the browser.
If you can not scan the QR code:
- Click on the Cannot scan the QR code? on the browser located below the QR code. A temporary 6-character code will be displayed.
- Open your profile page in the nami app and tap on authorize sign-in request.
- Key in the 6-character code.
5. You will be signed in in the browser
6. Select the place you would like to link
The third-party logo will be displayed on the page. Here nami gregoire corp is displayed as an example.
7. Tap on next, agree and link.
At this stage, the third-party company logo and privacy policy are available for the user to check before validating the integration.
Unlinking your nami place from a third party
You can either do it from the third-party system if they support it, or you can do it directly in the nami app:
- Open the nami app
- Open the place you wish to unlink
- Open the place settings
- Go to integrations
- Select the integration you want to unlink, and tap on disable.