Welcome to this installation guide for our first monitoring solution with a single device. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the different configuration steps and any difficulties.
The WiDAR sensor provides both Line-Of-Sight sensing and can also be part of the Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) motion sensing mesh.
In LOS, the WiDAR sensor can cover a room by itself without adding any other nami devices to the zone. It can cover up to 25m2 / 270 sq ft.
In NLOS, the WiDAR sensor contributes to the motion-sensing mesh of its zone along with other nami devices.
1. Install your WiDAR sensor
Commissioning your WiDAR sensor
Before you start commissioning
1. Sign in to the nami app using your preferred sign-in mechanism
⚠️ Make sure you have the correct version of the nami app installed.
These version will allow you to test rest insights
iOS | 1.5.7 (202405140638) - or newer |
Android | 1.7.0 (version code 240) - or newer |
You can check the version of your app by going to your profile page.
2. Create a new place
We have added a timezone selection for the newly created place in this build. It will be needed for some of the WiDAR sensor features. Once your new place is created, go into the place settings page and check out the place information. Make sure your place timezone is correctly registered there:
Placement guidelines
- Place your WiDAR sensor in a room you wish to monitor
- Place it on a table at a reasonable height, ideally 1m. / 3 ft. above the ground. The supported range is minimum 0.6m. / 2 ft. above the ground, and maximum 1.7m / 5 ft. above the ground.
- Avoid placing your WiDAR on top of metallic surfaces
- Place it in a corner of the room, facing towards the room (direction opposite of the usb C charing port).
- Don't place any objects in the direct vicinity of your WiDAR sensor
- Make sure it is within the coverage area of your Wi-Fi access point
Once you have a clear idea of where to place your WiDAR sensor, you can go ahead with commissioning.
Commissioning steps
1. Start the set up a single device flow
You can access it from the place settings.
2. Create a new zone for your WiDAR sensor
Your WiDAR will be commissioned as a Thread border router. Make sure it is within a reasonable distance from your Wi-Fi access point.
3. Create a new room for your WiDAR sensor
Select room type and icon.
4. Scan the QR code
If you have just downloaded the nami app, you will have to provide permission to access the system camera to the nami app. In general, please make sure the camera permission is enabled for the nami app in your system settings.
5. Power ON your WiDAR sensor
It will make a sound, and the LED will pulse BLUE.
If that is not the case, you will have to reset your WiDAR manually.
Check out how to do so at the end of this guide.
6. Provide Wi-Fi credentials
Use the nearby Wi-Fi access point.
7. Finish commissioning
Once your WiDAR sensor is commissioned, the LED should stop pulsing BLUE.
WiDAR sensor positioning
After commissioning, your WiDAR sensor must be positioned to work correctly.
⚠️ Make sure your WiDAR sensor is positioned correctly at all times.
After commissioning, you can check your WiDAR sensor position on the device information page.
If your WiDAR sensor is not positioned correctly:
- you will see an alert in the app, guiding you to the positioning flow
- once you start the flow in the nami app, your WiDAR LED will blink in YELLOW or RED, indicating wrong positioning
Positioning guidelines
Nudge the device around the surface where it is placed and look for the feedback from the LED and in the app. Once the LED turns GREEN, the position is good and you will be able to complete the flow in the nami app.
To find a good position, push the device one inch/ a few centimetres at a time with your fingers. Don't grasp the device with your whole hand, as this might induce some bias in the positioning metric.
Once the positioning is complete, the installation is done! You can now test your WiDAR's LOS sensing feature.
2. Test the LOS sensing features of your WiDAR sensor
After completing the installation, you will be able to access different graphs in the nami app.
The live data in LOS
You can access the live data by tapping on the tile from the place graph. The data displayed in this graph is the live statistics from the devices of a zone or the place aggregate of all the zones.
Select the zone where you have a single WiDAR sensor paired.
Since you have a single WiDAR sensor in this zone, the data shown here is the live LOS data from your WiDAR sensor.
How to use
Make sure the data corresponds to what you are doing in the room
- If you are moving around the room, statistics should go up
- If you leave the room, statistics should flatline
⚠️ This graph is only available when the mobile is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the WiDAR sensor.
The line of sight activity (iOS only)
You can access more LOS data from the WiDAR sensor device page.
There, tap on the Line of sight activity tile.
Feature flag for occupancy
Occupancy data is not displayed by default.
⚠️ To enable the feature flag, please reach out to gregoire@nami.ai with the following information:
- The name of the place where your WiDAR sensor is commissioned
- MAC address of your WiDAR sensor (can be found in the QR code on the bottom of the device or in the device information page of the nami app)
Once enabled, you will receive a confirmation message via email in response to the one sent.
How to use
The WiDAR sensor will accurately pick up occupancy events happening in the room, and the history should match the motion happening in the room throughout the day. You can compare the times when presence is detected with the times when motion is detected.
Motion corresponds to people standing up and walking around, whereas Presence corresponds to people being in the room without moving much, like sitting on a chair, reading a book, or typing on a laptop.
This data is available for the past three months, you can check previous days by using the double arrows.
The Rest insights (iOS only)
The WiDAR sensor also has rest insights capabilities, which you can test using the nami app.
Please contact the nami product team and check out the following guide if you wish to test this feature.
> WiDAR rest insights
Resetting your WiDAR sensor
You might need to reset your WiDAR sensor once it is paired. For example, to pass it to a different tester and commission it in a different place.
Resetting a nami device will cause the device to return to its factory settings, which means you will be able to commission it again. There are two ways to reset a nami device.
1. Software reset
If your WiDAR sensor is currently commissioned and online, you can reset it using the nami app.
- First, you will have to sign in with an account that has the administrator role in the place where the device is paired.
- Go to the device page and open the device settings.
- Delete the device using the delete button.
Disclaimer: This procedure is only available for devices that were already paired. If your device was never paired and you wish to reset it, you will have to follow the manual reset procedure.
2. Manual reset
Locate the tiny hole on the base of the WiDAR.
While the WiDAR is powered ON, insert a tiny object through the hole to reach the reset button and press for at least 10 seconds. Once you press, the LED should start blinking DARK BLUE. Keep pressing until the LED stops.
If you can not reach the reset button through the tiny hole, you have to open the device and locate the reset button on the board.
1. Power OFF your WiDAR sensor
2. Open your WiDAR sensor delicately
3. Unscrew the three screws attaching the board to the casing
4. Flip the board on the other side and locate the reset button
5. Power ON your WiDAR sensor
6. Press the reset button and wait for the LED to blink in DARK BLUE.
7. Wait for ~10 seconds until the LED stops blinking
8. Screw back the board on the casing